Beginning the voyage of protecting a nation

The Guyana Defence Force (GDF) is the military of Guyana, established in 1965. It numbers about 4150 soldiers and has military bases across the nation. The Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Force is always the incumbent President of Guyana.

In January 1969, the GDF faced their first test when the Rupununi Uprising, a bloody separatist movement in southern Guyana, attempted to annex the territory to Venezuela that was contained 3 days later with a balance of between 70 and 100 dead.

The GDF is an integral part of the Guyanese nation. Resources and equipment of the GDF are used to help other Guyanese; examples include medical mercy flights and the construction of roads and airstrips by the Engineering Corps.

Enlistment into the force is voluntary for officers and soldiers. Basic training is done within GDF training schools, which has also trained officers and soldiers from Commonwealth Caribbean territories. However, officers are trained at two of the world-renowned British officer training schools: Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (Infantry Training) and Britannia Royal Naval College (Coast Guard Training).

The training and skills gained by the members of the GDF have been used when they move either into civilian life or into the sister military organizations, the Guyana People’s Militia (now the Second Infantry Battalion Group Reserve) and the Guyana National Service.

Role of the GDF

Defend the territorial integrity of Guyana
Defend the territorial integrity of Guyana
Assist the civil power in the maintenance of law and order
Assist the civil power in the maintenance of law and order
Contribute to the economic development of Guyana
Contribute to the economic development of Guyana

Our Organisation

Become a part of the Defence Force

  • 1 Infantry Battalion
  • 2 Infantry Battalion
  • 3 Infantry Batalion
  • Guyana People’s Militia
  • 31 Special Forces Squadron
  • 21st Artillery Company
  • Engineer Battalion
  • Signals Corps
  • Defence Headquarters
  • Training Corps
  • Intelligence Corps
  • Coast Guard
  • Band Corps
  • Medical Corps
  • Air Corps


The motto of the Guyana Defence Force is “SERVICE”.

Current Chief of Staff

Brigadier Omar Khan

Brigadier Omar Khan

Chief of Defence Staff

Leadership team

Colonel Julius Skeet

Colonel Julius Skeet

Colonel General Staff

Colonel Kenlloyd Roberts

Colonel Kenlloyd Roberts

Inspector General

Commander Vernon Burnett

Commander Vernon Burnett

Administration and Quartering